P6/7 have been working on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. They then used Izak 9 blocks to build a ‘Great Wall of Equivalence’.
P6/7 have been working on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. They then used Izak 9 blocks to build a ‘Great Wall of Equivalence’.
P1 and P2 have been learning lots of interesting things about ‘Toys’, in their World Around Us topic this half term.
In Outdoor Play, they were looking at ‘Forces and Energy’. They used various ramps and toy vehicles to carry out experiments. After carrying out lots of experiments, they used their thinking skills to answer these questions
How can we make the truck travel further?
What happens when the ramp is higher?
Does every vehicle travel the same distance?
Mrs Calderwood read the story ‘Where’s My Teddy?’ by Jez Alborough. In the story the teddy gets lost in the wood. P1 and P2 then did some experiments to see what teddy could use to keep him dry, if it rained.
They looked at four types of material
Before each experiment the children predicted what the result would be with either a thumbs up or thumbs down.
In their Outdoor Play session today, the P1 and P2 children searched for sticks outside. They used their sticks to carry out various measuring activities.
P1 - find a stick that is longer than your shoe and one that is shorter than your shoe.
P2 arrange the sticks, shortest to longest.
Mrs Calderwood read the story, Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. The children had to decide what their stick might be - a pencil, a walking stick, a drumstick, a wand, a microphone. They drew these in the air.
Afterwards they chose a stick to make into a Stick Man. Have a look at their lovely Stick Man display.
P1 and P2 have been looking at the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. They used their thinking skills to design and then build a trolley to help the hen take her wheat to the mill. I think you will agree they made some super trolleys.
Our P1 children have been learning to count, and write numbers. They have been learning number 3 this week. They made sets of 3 and they found lots of ‘3’s’ around their classroom.
P6 and P7 really enjoyed learning about the Vikings in their World Around Us topic this term. They wrote Viking Sagas, made Runes Tiles, presented Powerpoints and even constructed their own Viking Longships.
In their Outdoor Play session, P1 and P2 were looking for lots of autumn treasures around the school grounds. They found beech nuts, pine cones, interesting leaves and feathers. The children took turns to describe their autumn treasures to the rest of the class. They then used these treasures to make imprints in clay.
In World Around Us, P5, 6 and 7 are learning all about the Vikings. As part of their project they are going to use the computer game ‘Minecraft’, to build their own computer Viking Longships. As an introduction to this, they were given a blueprint of how to make a longboat. They used these blueprints to make longboats from ‘Multilink’. From the photos you will see that they managed to build some very good 2D and 3D models.
P4 and P5 have been enjoying STEM Challenges in their Thursday afternoon class with Miss Richmond. This week their challenge was to:-
‘Build a free standing tower with a marshmallow on the top, using only spaghetti, masking tape, string and one marshmallow’
The children had 10 minutes planning time in their groups, and then 25 minutes to build their towers. This challenge developed their skills in ‘Thinking Skills’ and ‘Personal Capabilities’ as they worked on problem solving, working with others as a group, communication and decision making. Each group completed the challenge and there were some very tense moments towards the end, as the marshmallow was added to the tower.
In their topic work, P1 and P2 are learning about how the weather affects people and animals. This week we read a story called ‘Itchy Bear’, and another one called ‘Squirrel’s Autumn Search’.
Theses stories made us think about real animals in the wild, and how they use Autumn time to prepare for Winter.
In Outdoor Play the children
gathered berries and pine cones for the squirrel.
made homes using building blocks.
explored the garden area for signs of Autumn.
In the playroom the children have been -
Making a cave for Itchy Bear
Using their Autumn Shop
Our P2 children have been working on their numbers from 10 - 20. They used ‘Numicon’ to build the numbers. ‘Numicon encourages children to explore maths using structured imagery and apparatus.’ They then used their magnetic numbers to make the numbers 10 - 20
Have a look at the P5 posters following the visit from R N L I
P1 and P2 have been enjoying their afternoon sessions in the playroom. Their topic is ‘The Countryside’ and the playroom has been set up in different countryside zones.
Milk ‘At the dairy’ Milk goes from farm to dairy to shop
Play Dough - making insects
Farm play
As part of their ‘In the News’ topic, P5/6/7 have been looking at volcanoes and the structure of the earth. They made model volcanoes using Modroc. They then had great fun watching them erupt. They also used plasticine to make a model of the earth’s structure, which showed the different layers under our feet.
P3 and P4 as part of Literacy have been working on Persuasive writing. Over the past number of weeks they have been looking at the importance of drinking water to keep our bodies healthy. They have written and made posters to persuade people to drink more water.
As part of Shared Education, P4 and P5 have been looking at the history of Rasharkin. P5 with Miss young, have been writing about some of the historical facts they have learnt over the past number of weeks, both in the Shared Education sessions, and also from talking to older family members. They then also wrote about some of the hopes that they have for the future of the village.
Our P1 and P2 children have really been enjoying their topic for this half term - The Countryside. This week they heard about cows and milk. They then discussed what other dairy products can be made from milk. Thanks to Dale Farm for supplying some delicious cheddar cheese which all the P1 and P2 children got to sample.
In numeracy today, P3 and P4 were given a ‘Delicious Pancake Challenge’. They were given a pancake menu with five toppings -Lemon, Sugar, Golden Syrup, Strawberry Laces and Midget Gems. Each topping had a price. Their challenge was to design six pancakes using two different toppings on each pancake. They then had to calculate how much each pancake would cost using the prices from the menu. They used written sums and also calculators to do their calculations. They then chose their favourite pancake design, and made it, and ate it!