P6/7 pupils have increased their knowledge of Fair Trade products, which researching and making delicious goodies. They shared them with everyone during our 'class ‘Bake Off’, where Joy and Jacob were the winners, going through to represent the school in the final in Coleraine. Jacob and Joy received this lovely feedback from the organisers: ‘[Jacob and Joy] were truly outstanding finalists and an absolute pleasure to host in Cloonavin. Joy’s Banana and Chocolate Muffins and Jacob’s Triple Chocolate Brownies got great feedback from our judges who were blown away to see such creativity and baking skills from your pupils. The children had really thought about their presentation with their tray, wooden board, and labels for their bakes. Your pupils are a credit to your school and deserve to feel very proud of themselves.’
Well done to everyone for the very high standard of entries that made it very hard to narrow it down to only two winners.