World Book Day

Pupils have enjoyed researching and being creative to find costumes for World Book Day. We were so impressed by the effort many pupils went to with their costumes and it was a delight to hear all the lovely conversations about books.

Pupils in P6/7 have the chance to share stories with the pupils from Rasharkin Community Playgroup. What a delight to have these special visitors.

Support for Parents

Click here for more information about Autism Cafes, organised by NHSCT, for any parent looking for advice or support (no diagnosis necessary).

Parent Line NI have also organised this ‘Worry to Wonder’ workshop for parents who are wondering how they can best support their child through worries.

Play -in - a- Day

It was great to be able to offer P6/7 children the opportunity to develop their performance skills with Konflux Theatre. Layla worked with children to prepare and then preform a pantomime version of Jack and the Beanstalk, alongside their Shared Education partners from St. Patrick’s PS. We were delighted that so many parents and friends took the time to come and see the short performance and all the wonderful props the pupils made.

February Award Winners

Congratulations to these pupils who received certificates in assembly for 'being ‘Kind and Caring’, Super Talking and Listening and having a ‘Great Attitude to Work’ . Pupils also received certificates for their hard work in reading with Accelerated Reading certificates and ReadingEggs certificates. The AR cup was won by Anna, in recognition of her outstanding work in the last half term. Well done to everyone!

Small Schools' Football Tournament

Since September 2024 our football team have been playing different schools in the Small Schools’ Football Tournament.  The boys have played fantastically well throughout and earned a place in the finals.  They won all their matches throughout the day, but in the final were up against a very tough team and unfortunately this year was not our year to win. The boys tried hard nonetheless and were runners up in the competition.   Well done boys, we are very proud of your effort.

Express Yourself Programme

We’re delighted to be able to offer some of our children the chance to take part in in the ‘Express Yourself’ (RISE) programme this term. This programme is run by NHSCT staff to help children to develop strategies and techniques to express their thoughts and feelings. This has been carried out through lots of fun games and everyone has loved the weekly sessions.

P6/7 Shared Education Trip to Airtastic

The children in P6/7 enjoyed an amzing treat of full day visit to Airtastic, with P7 children from St. Patrick’s Primary School. They each got to participate in sessions in the Inflata Park, Lazer Tag and Bowling. Many thanks to TBUC that provided the funding for this entire programme and a very special treat as a finale.

Fair Trade Bake Off

P6/7 pupils have increased their knowledge of Fair Trade products, which researching and making delicious goodies. They shared them with everyone during our 'class ‘Bake Off’, where Joy and Jacob were the winners, going through to represent the school in the final in Coleraine. Jacob and Joy received this lovely feedback from the organisers: ‘[Jacob and Joy] were truly outstanding finalists and an absolute pleasure to host in Cloonavin.  Joy’s Banana and Chocolate Muffins and Jacob’s Triple Chocolate Brownies got great feedback from our judges who were blown away to see such creativity and baking skills from your pupils. The children had really thought about their presentation with their tray, wooden board, and labels for their bakes. Your pupils are a credit to your school and deserve to feel very proud of themselves.’

Well done to everyone for the very high standard of entries that made it very hard to narrow it down to only two winners.

Village Wellbeing Day

Click here for more information on North Antrim Community Association’s Village Wellbeing Day, to be held in Rasharkin.

Road Safety Quiz Winners

Many congratulations to our Road Safety Quiz team who won the Causeway Coast and Glens competition (for the second year running). Charlie, Jacob, Ethan and Toby will now represent the Causeway Coast and Glens area at the NI Finals in March.

Peace Players Basketball Sessions

P6/7 have been enjoying weekly basketball sessions with St. Patrick’s Primary. These are organised by Peace Players, an organisation which aims to unite communities through sport.

Amazing Jesus

P4/5 practiced drawing on top of their heads to help them realise how difficult it is to do things when they can’t see.  Eve and Ruth (SUNI) then shared the story of Bartimaeus with the class. We have been delighted to have them visit for three weeks and share R.E. lessons each time.

Santa Visited Rasharkin Primary School

We were delighted to have the real Santa come to visit all the children in school this week. He was checking to see if they were all on the nice list. Thankfully nobody was on the naughty list!

Reading Egg and AR certificates

Well done to all the children who achieved Reading Egg and AR certificates this term. Congratulations to Toby who was the winner of the AR cup with ten times his target!

Community Playgroup Visit

We were delighted to welcome our friends from Rasharkin Community Playgroup.  The children watched P1-5 perform Christmas songs and pieces.  P4/5 then shared ‘We Wish you a Merry Christmas’ on boom whackers, helping the younger children to have a go. 

Christmas Trip

Children enjoyed a chance to have fund together on our whole school outing to the Jet Centre as a Christmas treat.

Carol Service

We were delighted to welcome so many parents and other friends of the school to our Carol Service in Rasharkin Presbyterian Church (kindly granted).  The children performed songs and spoken pieces and Rev. Watt shared a Christmas message for the children.  With many thanks to all the staff who worked so hard to make this opportunity for the children to experience ‘performing’ possible. 

Radio Cracker

P6/7 went to the Tower Centre in Ballymena on Wednesday morning to perform for Radio Cracker. Thank you to Bliss Patisserie who provided the children with juice and biscuits afterwards and to parents and friends who came to support us.

Gathering Drums with St Patrick's

P6/7 joined St Patrick’s primary school for a drumming session with Joe from The Gathering Drum. They had lots of fun making rhythms and playing games using different drums from all over the world. Thanks to Joe for a really enjoyable session and to St Patrick’s for hosting.

Beyond Bricks, Mindwise

P6/7 have been learning how to manage their emotions with the Beyond Bricks programme. Through building Lego, the programme helps young people develop emotional intelligence and regulation skills, equipping them to thrive in all areas of life. With thanks to NACN who provided a grant to enable us to offer this programme to our pupils.