Our Christmas Concert was held on 14th December in Rasharkin Presbyterian Church Hall. A special thanks to the Committee for allowing us to use the hall for practising, and also for the concert. We were delighted to see so many parents and friends joining us for this very special occasion for our children. We had a piano solo from Mark P6 and a violin solo from Jane P6.
P1 -P3 children performed ‘The Tale of the Christmas Tree’.
P4 - P7 Children performed ‘Superstar’
I think you will all agree they were really brilliant.

Mark P6 - Piano Solo - John Ryan's Polka
Jane P6 - Violin Solo - Ode to Joy
The Goblins
Ted, Darrah, Caleb, Jordi, Finn, Robbie-Leigh, Archie (Grumbletot), Jack, Daniel and Theo
The Trees
Maja,Sophie, Ollie and Tommy
Father Christmas - Jace
Narrators - Daniel and Minnie
Penny, Holly(P1), Isla, Emilie, Belle, Chloe, Anna, Aoife, Annie, Lily, Holly (P3) and Ruby
P4 - P7 'Superstar'
Stars - Sophia, Hollie, Kelsey, Ruby, Katie and Mia
Kelsey, Ruby, Katie, Mia, Tilly, Jane, Mason and Amelia
Superstar - Beth
Mrs Marrz - Evie
Stella - Beth
Wise Men and Apprentices
Mason, Mark,Wiktor, Robin, Noah and Isaac
King Herod - Dathan
Erin, Isla, Joy, Bethany, Izabelle and Evie
Superstar - Beth (Stella)
MARY - Lily, Joseph - Benjamin
Harvey, Harry, Kian and Toby
Luke and Benjamin (Joseph)