Our Harvest Assembly was held on Wednesday 24th October.  We were delighted that so many parents and friends came to join us for this special occasion.  Thanks to the P1 - P3 children who sang ‘One, Two, Three Little Acorns’ and the P4 - P7 children who sang ‘Everything I am’.   Michelle McDaid from N.I. Air Ambulance spoke to us about the new Air Ambulance.  It takes two million pounds per year to keep the Air Ambulance in service.  One of our parents, Dr David Green, who is also one of the doctors who goes on the air ambulance, reminded us about keeping safe, especially on farms. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this really worthy charity at our Harvest Service.  Rev Blue reminded us to be thankful for everything that we have.  Afterwards, tea and coffee was served by members of the Parents’ Association.