On Monday 7th November, Louise from Cancer Focus NI came to talk to the P3,4 and 5 classes. The main aim of her presentation was to encourage our children to keep healthy, by exercising regularly, and by being aware of how to choose healthy foods.

The first half hour was called 'Fit Factor'.  The children did some light, moderate and intense exercises in the hall. They noticed that with intense exercise, their heart beat was faster than with light exercise.  Louise encouraged the children to exercise for sixty minutes every day and she challenged them to get all of the family involved in this.

The final half hour was called 'Food Detectives'. The three 'food nasties' that are hidden in the foods we buy, are sugar, salt and fat.  The children looked at various foods and Alfie, our detective, helped to set out the amounts of the 'food nasties' in each product, by reading the food label.  Foods with lots of sugar, salt and fat were given a Red Light and these foods should be avoided. Other foods were given an Amber Light, indicating that they were good foods, provided that they were eaten in moderation. Other foods such as semi skimmed milk were given a Green Light, showing that they were a healthy choice. 

Thanks to Louise for such an interesting and informative presentation. The children are now enthusiastic about taking more exercise and they are keen to choose healthy foods to eat.