Our annual Harvest Assembly was on Wednesday 26th October.  The children from P1 - P3 sang a song called 'The Farmer', and P4 - P7 sang 'Remember'.  We were delighted to welcome Justin McMinn from 'Homeless Street Soccer N.I. to take our service.  Justin spoke about the work of the charity and showed a video of the Homeless Street Soccer World Cup, which was held in Glasgow in 2016.  Two of the team members, Mark and Gavin demonstrated their football skills and had a penalty shoot out for children, parents and teachers.  Afterwards, Justin, Mark and Gavin joined the children in the playground to show some more of their football skills. We wish to thank parents and friends for coming along to support our children at the Harvest Service, and for their very generous donations for the work of the charity.  Also, thanks to the ladies of the Parents' Association for serving tea and coffee.