In the last school year, Rasharkin Primary School, thanks to the fund raising events by the Parents' Association, was able to purchase the Accelerated Reading Scheme for our P4 - P7 children.  This scheme encourages children to read books at their level, take quizzes at the end of each book and thus gain points towards their own personal target. 

Since September, we have seen the benefits of this scheme with children reading enthusiastically.  Many have reached and gone beyond their individual target set for the first half term. At our Harvest Assembly, thirty two children were awarded certificates for reaching or almost reaching their target.  The cup for the child who reached his/her target, and who gained the highest percentage accuracy in the quizzes, was presented to Andrew from P5.  New targets will be set for the next half term and the cup will be re-presented at the end of this period. Well done to all the children who reached their target.  Keep this good reading up!